6 Ps to success

Not limited to Entrepreneur, any person who wants success to kiss his feet should follow :

1. Passion – about his work / job / project / idea

2. Performance – consistent working

3. Perseverance – just keep doing, what you think you can

4. Personality – lead & influence people

5. People – find, trust & assign jobs to like minded people

6. Perspective – Broad vision & finding new add-ons to project / job


An Unfinished Agenda

Whenever we start some something, we start with a huge passion a sense of ownership and commitment, we create dreams around it and go full throttle to achieve it all.

But then suddenly something happens, and without even realizing it, the pressure on your accelerator drops, and you seem to be shifting gears and everything slows down? You feel disconnected from your dreams, and the passion has died down. Why does this happen?

What makes us do that? .. Is it us?.. .. others ? …circumstances… ? Why do we need to find excuses and reasons to avoid blaming ourselves?

But the fact remains … An Unfinished Agenda !!…

What about the others who became part of this Agenda ?… what about the dreams you helped them see ?… what you started was no longer yours alone… you got others involved too.. what about them ? Do we have the right to make their dream an unfinished dream too… ??

Have you ever tried re-visiting your “Unfinished Agenda” ? … I tried and failed again…. Which made me realize that it is better to leave them in the state they are , as their final destined outcome was to be “Unfinished” . All your efforts at completing them would take you nowhere, and only make you feel a failure once again. J

Moral of the Story: Some things in life are best left “Unfinished”





Passion as a Business Strategy.


I joined HCL in the department of Talent transformation and Intrapreneurship development, the few questions which immediately struck my mind were

  • What is it that we to do retain talent?
  • How do we go about transformation and intrapreneurship development? And the most interesting of all…
  • Why Talent transformation and intrapreneurship development? Why not the classic Training and development?

These questions are as eternal and complex as the search for survival, good health and longevity of human life. In the prelacies of answering these questions I go back to the time when this department was created.

The ways of working have been changing constantly, more interestingly in the present context when the employee seems to be moving away from the organization. Gone are the days where people ensured they “molded themselves enough to fit themselves with the organization” where, once in a relationship post hiring they were “married to the organization” “together till retirement does us apart.”

Today often we can see young executives increasingly job hopping from one organization to another, very often trying to find an organization where “they see themselves fit”, and with the organization only such time “till I feel passionate about what I do or where I am”, and suddenly we realized that it is no more about the organization. It’s about the individual and his “passion”.

This time we asked ourselves some questions.

How some companies achieve outstanding performance over long spans of time? How are they able to survive and grow in spite of radical changes in the business environment? How are they able to face tough competition from the domestic and multinational firms? Why do a few outstanding companies continue to survive and grow, while most others become victims of declining performance, fall by the wayside, become sick, are taken over, or wither away?

And we realized that the individual inside these organizations and his “Passion to win” made all the difference. Where his passion made him go beyond the call of his duty, beyond what his role required, because he was not an employee anymore he was transforming into an “Intrapreneur”

That was when we decided to capture this passion, and we unfalteringly build a strategy around it – The department of “Talent transformation and intrapreneurship Development” Where “Passion is the driving force”. Thus we added another feather to our renegade management style, by declaring an Emotion as a business strategy.

Yes at HCL – “Passion is a Business Strategy”

The passion and commitment of the leadership, energy and excitement to achieve ambitious goals, and the deep urge for supremacy are felt across the organization. These are the driving forces that distinguishes HCL – and it can all be captured in one word “PASSION”.


Heena Verma