When Did Women get the Gadget Fever?


When their husbands started gifting them Gadgets
instead of Flowers


Funny isn’t it, But that the TRUTH !!! And I am loving it !!


Cheers !!

Heena Verma

The Rush Hour!! – Is it self created?

Often we tend to leave things to the last minute and wait for the deadline tricker to buzz off, we love the fact we management to do the job “JUST IN TIME” (not the one we study in our business school)

Why do we do this ? We like the Adrenaline Rush !!

Adrenaline Rush refers to an activity of the Adrenal gland in a Fight-or-flight response, when it is releasing Adrenaline (Epinephrine). A chronic hyper adrenaline is a common symptom of an anxiety disorder. An Adrenaline Rush causes the muscles to perform fermentation at an increased rate improving strength

Just like any addition, have we got addicted to the adrenaline hormone? And we find pleasure in the state of anxiety !

Is it a strategy we adopt? Because we know that “The best of me, can only be, when I am closest to the deadline”. What should we call this? How about a “Proactive-Delaying Strategy” Sounds Quite interesting!

There are some good reasons for a decision-delaying strategy. If the situation you are facing is uncertain, changing, and there are plenty of options and competing possibilities then one strategy is to just wait and see what happens. The problem of today might very well be a distant memory tomorrow. Technologies like mobile phones support this strategy. Who needs to precisely plan a get together when you can text some friends on the spur of the moment, find out where they are and nominate a rendezvous point there and then. Does this sound uncomfortable? Get used to it because this is the way the world is moving.

“Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute”

How should management use this: A good idea would be to keep shorter and closer deadline, that way you are also creating a high performance culture. They like the rush and you like the Productivity and shorter turnaround time.

I better sign off , I have my deadline ticker buzzed and I am going on high!!! Thanks to the RUSH HOUR !!!



Heena Verma

Strategic Intuition – Is it the privilege of a few ?

We often have those moments of “Light”/ “Spark” when all of a sudden you came out with just the perfect idea or plan which you have been struggling for so long, why does it happen? I have had many such moments , I am sure I am not alone. What do we call these moments? Is there a science behind this? Or is it pure luck?

If this is intuition then, boy! it quite strategic. Hey that’s it “Strategic Intuition” a new word to Google and learn (What will I do without you GOOGLE!!)

Just my Luck!! Prof. William Duggan of Columbia University happens to even write a book around it.

From his Blog : When do you get your best ideas? You probably answer “At night,” or “In the shower,” or “Stuck in traffic.” You get a flash of insight. Things come together in your mind. You connect the dots. You say to yourself, “Aha! I see what to do.” Brain science now reveals how these flashes of insight happen. It’s a special form of intuition. We call it strategic intuition, because it gives you an idea for action – a strategy.

Bingo !!

Flashes of insight are so important that scholars have written about them for centuries. The best description comes from an early classic of military strategy, On War by Carl von Clausewitz. The word “strategy” entered the English language in 1810, when Napoleon’s success as a battlefield general made him emperor of Europe. His enemies started studying how he did it so they could learn it too and defeat him. Clausewitz’s account of Napoleon’s strategy matches amazingly well what modern neuroscience tells us about flashes of insight.

Strategic Intuition, well that sure was a compelling word. A word which drifted me from the conscious world and suddenly I found myself introspecting. I knew it was something I strongly believed and felt. My intuitions have always been very strong and many of my plan and actions have based around it. But was I alone? Or are there others like me?.

Is it more prevalent in entrepreneurs? CEO’s? Leader’s? Or just about everyone has it?

Is it a Gift or can it be learned?

My search for answers is on…. Join me in this journey … do share your “Moments of Strategic Intuition”


Heena Verma

Hello world!

Well everyone seems to be blogging, while most are mindless some are marvelous.

Finally I decided to pen down one of my own.

“When my Words Matter”

My Blog , My Voice.

But who is listening or should that be aptly said reading? I don’t know, but surely would want to know , that in a world full of information and frequent forwards….for whom does “MY WORDS MATTER”



Cheers !!

Heena Verma